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Our Shared Meal

We were built for community, the stories we tell one another, the ways we laugh together, the silence when we taste another incredible dish and let our tongues bask in sheer pleasure. I am privileged to have found what I loved 25 years ago, and cooked and taught classes for over 20,000 hours.  My friend Scott, tells me that you master something after 10,000 hours, so yeah there's that, but to have that many hours with you, my honored diners congregating at my table.


Can you imagine, doing something you love for that long? What an honor, I have met so many of you, I have learned so much from you, really about myself. The sacred community of the meal has gifted me with the greatest bounty imaginable that is the ability to help you heal from that which you may have even given up on. When I see the delight and wonder in your eyes, it is no doubt that I will cook another 20,000 hours, and in those moments be with you, my students, who double as my teachers. Where, indeed would we be without one another?  

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